Current my FE tech stack
- React
- Redux for state management
- Redux-saga for asynchonous tasks
- Axios for api call
- Nextjs for server side render
- Scss
- Cypress for integration testing
- React-testing-library for unit test
- NX for monorepo management
Some coding convention:
- Use create-react-app for create react app
- Import scss file direct from component (I don't use css module because usually I want to override css of library)
- Use Utility first approach
- Microfrontend for large projects
- Lazy load components and code splitting
- For page render large element, consider use React-window library for only render parts in screen.
- A component just do one job, keep it as small as possible.
- Have prettier and eslint
My favorite UI library: Antd, Tailwindcss
Some technologies trying:
- Graphql